Thanks, Enterprise voters!

In November 2020, the Enterprise community passed a $4 million general obligation bond to repair and update District facilities, improve accessibility, improve safety and security, and modernize the science classrooms and junior high locker rooms. The District also received a $4 million state grant from the Oregon School Capital Improvement Matching Program, bringing the project total to $8 million.


Enterprise Schools get ready to build, Wallowa County Chieftain, February 15, 2022

Emergency roof work planned at Enterprise School, Wallowa County Chieftain, October 5, 2021

Roof replacement major component of bond project, Wallowa County Chieftain, April 15, 2021

Enterprise school bond, Joseph marijuana, both pass; Move Oregon's Border fails, Wallowa County Chieftain, November 3, 2020

Enterprise puts $4M school bond on Nov. ballot, Wallowa County Chieftain, July 7, 2020

Enterprise school board begins planning bond measure, Wallowa County Chieftain, June 9, 2020

Bond Oversight Committee

The District will convene a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee to monitor the progress of the bond. The committee will meet quarterly and report back to the School Board on a regular basis as a measure of accountability. If you are interested in serving on the Bond Oversight Committee, please contact the Superintendent.

Current BOC members are Jared Hillock, Dean Hines, Kannon Miller, Autumn Wilburn, Mike Wiedeman, Karen Finlayson, Tori Corak, Joel Fish, Paul Karvoski, Kevin McQuead, Mike Rowley, Patrick Patterson, and Damiana Maxwell.

Bond Oversight Committee Overview